Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pubic Transport Etiquette for Dudes and Brahs

I often wish that everyone was raised to be polite. This morning's bus got pretty packed, but I was sitting because it was empty when I got on. Some braaahs were sitting up a bit from me, and a very old lady and a young preggo got on the bus. I saw these guys - all healthy and in their late 20s - look at each of these women, standing, and ignore them.

The woman sitting next to me got up at the same time I did, and we both motioned the old lady and the preggo over. "Please take my seat," I said. The woman next to me, who was also giving up her seat, said loudly, "Apparently, not all young men are taught how to be gentlemen."

Now, I am healthy and young-ish, and I'm happy to give up a seat for someone who needs it, but I see this all the time - young dudes, in suits, yammering away at each other, noticing people who need seats - the old, the pregs, the frail - and they just ignore them, like they're so tired they simply MUST sit through this ride.

Man up, get a pair, and give up your seats. It would be nice to see dudes and brahs be gentlemen for a change.

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